Undergraduate Advising

CRES advising is now being offered both in-person and remotely! In-person advising is available on Mondays and Tuesdays in HUM 1 Room 403. We will also continue to offer remote advising Wednesday through Friday. Please check SlugSuccess for drop-in hours or to schedule an appointment.

Petitions for Course Credit

All CRES and Black Studies Minor students may supplement their upper-division coursework with language study, internships, study abroad/away and individual or group independent studies. You may petition to have up to 10 credits of such activities substituted for upper-division elective requirements, so long as these activities serve, or do not interfere with the breadth requirements. Please submit your petition by following the appropriate link below. Students must be declared in the CRES major Black Studies minor to submit a petition.

Email Advising

Please allow 3-5 business days for a response, particularly around high volume times such as advising week and enrollment. When you are emailing us please always use your UCSC email account, and provide your full name and student ID number (SID). If you have a time sensitive matter (i.e. signature required or information needed by a deadline), please put "urgent" or "time sensitive" in the subject line. Otherwise student emails are responded to in the order received. 

Contact the Undergraduate Advisor(s) for:

  • Anything related to CRES courses or requirements
  • Signature on forms (will all be done digitally)
  • Major progress check questions (including double majors/minors)
  • Submitting Independent Study to obtain course number for enrollment
  • Checking on the status of course substitution petition
  • Updates needed on your academic planner 

Contact crespeer@ucsc.edu for:

  • General advising on CRES courses, policies and procedures
  • Major progress check questions (single CRES majors only)
  • Creating academic plans (single CRES majors only)
  • A CRES student's experience or advice on questions you may have

Contact other Department Advisors for:

  • Permission codes for electives outside of CRES 

Contact your College Advising Office for:

  • General Education requirements
  • IGETC questions
  • Unit completion
  • Enrolling in more than 19 units
  • Academic standing 

Advising Appointments: You can schedule 30 minute in-person or Zoom appointments via Slug Success. Please provide more details in the "Comments" as to the reason for making an appointment. Depending on the nature of the issue, you can also use the "Comments" field to request additional time for your appointment.  

For help with Slug Success, please refer to these how-to guides. Appointments must be made 24 hours in advance. If you are not currently proposed or declared in CRES, please select the Academic Planning/Guidance, Choosing/Exploring Major/Minor, or Declaring/Adding/Changing Major/Minor as the appointment reason when scheduling your appointment.

Important Dates: As a matter of practice, please get into the habit of referring to the University's academic calendar for key dates and deadlines.  


Advisor Role and Responsibilities
Student Role and Responsibilities
  • Help you reflect on career goals, how they align with your educational and identify alternative career paths.
  • Help you consider your future professional or academic career options.
  • Provide you with opportunities to critically reflect on academic choices and to develop decision-making skills.
  • Provide you with opportunities to develop and refine critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Help you create suitable educational plans and select appropriate courses.
  • Clarify and interpret institutional requirements, policies and procedures.
  • Refer you to appropriate institutional and community support services as well as internal and external resources that will supplement your education goals and career aspirations.  




  • Be proactive and initiate contact with me. Respond to emails and requests for information in a timely manner.
  • Explore and utilize both external and campus resources.
  • Provide as much information up front when making appointments so I know what you wish to discuss and can come prepared with information.
  • Show up for appointments on time and prepared with questions which will allow us to make good use of our time together. Please let me know in advance when possible if you cannot make your scheduled appointment.
  • Actively participate in the advising session.
  • Review the course catalog, program webpages and degree requirements then schedule courses that are in alignment with your educational goals and move you toward degree completion.
  • If something is unclear, ask questions.
  • Accept responsibility for making final decisions on academic choices. 



Your CRES advisors are Domingo Canizales and Dejon Barber.

In-Person and Virtual Advising

Please use Slug Success App to check availability.

If you just have a quick question, email cres@ucsc.edu

Your CRES peer advisor for the academic year is Jojo Diaz.

Virtual Advising Hours 
MF 10:00am-12:00pm and Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm
The peer advisor can be reached at crespeer@ucsc.edu.

CRES advising is available via email and Zoom.

See Also