Graduate Directory

Mai Jalal Awad

Individual profile page for Mai Jalal Awad

Leonard Cruz Butingan

Individual profile page for Leonard Cruz Butingan

Karen Crespo Triveno

Individual profile page for Karen Crespo Triveno

Roxanne Kimberly Dobson

  • Title
    • PhD Student in Cultural Anthropology
  • Email
  • Department
    • Anthropology Department
Individual profile page for Roxanne Kimberly Dobson

Alycia Ellington

Individual profile page for Alycia Ellington

Ksenia Fir

  • Title
    • PhD candidate
  • Email
  • Department
    • Film and Digital Media Department
Individual profile page for Ksenia Fir

Robin C Gabriel

Individual profile page for Robin C Gabriel

Yulia Gilichinskaya

  • Title
    • PhD candidate
  • Email
  • Department
    • Film and Digital Media Department
Individual profile page for Yulia Gilichinskaya

Rebecca L. Gross

Individual profile page for Rebecca L. Gross

Talib Ali Jabbar

Individual profile page for Talib Ali Jabbar

Brittney Jimenez

  • Title
    • Ph.D. Candidate
  • Email
  • Department
    • Latin American & Latino Studies
Individual profile page for Brittney Jimenez

Boyeong Kim

  • Title
    • Ph.D. Candidate
  • Email
  • Department
    • Latin American & Latino Studies
Individual profile page for Boyeong Kim

Christopher Allen Lang

  • Title
    • Graduate Student
  • Email
  • Department
    • Environmental Studies Department
Individual profile page for Christopher Allen Lang

Xindi Li

  • Title
    • PhD Candidate
  • Email
  • Department
    • History of Consciousness Department
Individual profile page for Xindi Li

Melissa Mack

Individual profile page for Melissa Mack

Alexyss Luverne McClellan‑Ufugusuku

Individual profile page for Alexyss Luverne McClellan-Ufugusuku

Madison Jarret McCartha

Individual profile page for Madison Jarret McCartha

Kiley McLaughlin

Individual profile page for Kiley McLaughlin

Raul Meneses Samperio

Individual profile page for Raul Meneses Samperio

Gabriel Salomon Mindel

  • Title
    • PhD Candidate
  • Email
  • Department
    • History of Consciousness Department
Individual profile page for Gabriel Salomon Mindel

Anny L Mogollón

  • Title
    • PhD Candidate and Graduate Pathways Coordinator
  • Email
  • Department
    • Literature Department
Individual profile page for Anny L Mogollón

Kristen Nelson

  • Title
    • PhD Student & Graduate Student Instructor
  • Email
  • Department
    • Literature Department
Individual profile page for Kristen Nelson

Lalu Esra Ozban

  • Title
    • PhD Student
  • Email
  • Department
    • Film and Digital Media Department
Individual profile page for Lalu Esra Ozban

Em Padilla

Individual profile page for Em Padilla

Rowan Anna Powell

Individual profile page for Rowan Anna Powell

Brian Rivera

Individual profile page for Brian Rivera

Marina M Segatti

  • Title
    • Ph.D candidate in Feminist Studies
  • Email
  • Department
    • Feminist Studies Department
Individual profile page for Marina M Segatti

Sylvane Vaccarino

Individual profile page for Sylvane Vaccarino

Stephanie Francis Valadez

Individual profile page for Stephanie Francis Valadez

Andrea del Carmen Vazquez

Individual profile page for Andrea del Carmen Vazquez