Intergenerational, Anticolonial Vanguards: The Palestinian Transnational Student Movement in Historical Perspective

Center for Racial Justice Speaker Series
Possibilities of Palestinian Refusal: Against Disciplining Knowledge and Movement

Mjriam Abu Samra

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Anthropology, UC Davis and University of Venice CA Foscari

October 24, 2024 @ 4pm | Cervantes & Velasquez Room

This presentation focuses on the political potential of contemporary Palestinian transnational youth activism in Europe and USA. It compares student political engagement namely by examining the formation of development of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) during what is regarded as the "golden age" of the Palestinian revolution (1960s-1970s) with contemporary initiatives, efforts, and strategies of mobiliziation amongst Palestinian youth in shatat (Diaspora). By looking to the past through a historical continuum that has molded present-day Palestinian youth activism, I propose that new futures can only be made through methodologies that tether together time and space.

Cosponsored by Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, Center for the Middle East and North Africa, the People's University, Faculty for Justice in Palestine, and Students for Justice in Palestine.