2024-25 Course Offerings

Below is a list of approved electives for the CRES major and Black Studies minor by quarter. Click the course number link for further information about the course - including a description, prerequisites, and enrollment restrictions - in the official Schedule of Classes.

Courses from other departments that are bolded are taught by CRES principal faculty.

NOTE: This is a preliminary course list and will be updated as new courses become available in the Schedule of Classes. As always, please check the Schedule of Classes as the official source for the quarter, instructor, and meeting times. Courses may be added as they become available

View courses as a spreadsheet here.

Jump to Quarter: Fall 2024 | Winter 2025 | Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Fall 2024 

CRES Courses (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements

CRES 10 Critical Race and Ethnic Studies: An Introduction TuTh 3:20pm-4:55pm Mitchell ER
CRES 113 Music and Performance TuTh 11:40am-1:15pm Ife PR-C x
CRES 121/EDUC 121 The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies TBD Gallagher-Geurtsen
CRES 130/ANTH 130F Blackness In Motion: Anthology of the African Diasporas MW 5:20pm-6:55pm Staff CC x x
CRES 135/LING 135 Language and Racialization MWF 1:20pm-2:25pm Bibbs ER
CRES 139/ART 139 Queer and Trans Art and Games TuTh 5:20pm-6:55pm wright PR-C
CRES 179A Critical Filipinx Poetics: A Workshop for Reading and Writing Poetry TuTh 1:30pm-3:05pm Casumbal-Salazar, M. PR-C x
CRES 185A Race, Gender, and Science MW 5:20pm-6:55pm Ty, M.
CRES 190A/FMST 194S Critical Race Feminisms Tu 3:20pm-6:20pm Ife
FMST 194L Comparative Settler Colonial Studies Mo 4:00pm-7:00pm Keliiaa

Black Studies Minor Electives (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times





CRES 113 Music and Performance TuTh 11:40am-1:15pm ife PR-C
CRES 130/ANTH 130F Blackness In Motion: Anthology of the African Diasporas MW 5:20pm-6:55pm Shange CC
EDUC 160 Issues in Educational Reform TuTh 3:20pm-4:55pm Kissell
THEA 100W Black/African Diasporic World Theater MW 9:20am-10:55am Williams

CRES Major Electives from Other Departments (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements

ANTH 158 Feminist Ethnographies TuTh 1:30pm-3:05pm Kramer
EDUC 140 Language, Diversity, and Learning TuTh 11:40am-1:15pm Aguilera ER
EDUC 160 Issues in Educational Reform TuTh 3:20pm-4:55pm Kissell
EDUC 174 Ethnographic Research in Schools and Communities TuTh 1:30pm-3:05pm TBD
FMST 112/POLI 112 Women and the Law TuTh 3:20pm-4:55pm TBD
FILM 165E Chicana/o Cinema, Video TuTh 3:20pm-5:30pm Leanos ER
LALS 143 Race and Ethnicity MWF 10:40am-11:45am Patel ER
LALS 178 Gender, Transnationalism, and Globalization MWF 4:00pm-5:05pm Patel ER x
LIT 148I Toni Morrison's America TuTh 01:30PM-03:05PM Gruesz ER
PSYC 153 The Psychology of Poverty and Social Class TuTh 5:20pm-6:55pm Bullock
PSYC 159H Community-Based Interventions MWF 2:40pm-3:45pm Langhout
SOCY 156 U.S. Latinx Identities: Centers and Margins TuTh 3:20pm-4:55pm Pedroza ER

Winter 2025 

CRES Courses (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements

CRES 12 *NEW* Science and Justice: A Critical Intro MW 05:20PM-06:55PM

Ty, M.

CRES 13/HIS 9C California Indian History TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM


CRES 45 Pilipinx Historical Dialogue TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Casumbal-Salazar, Melisa ER x x
CRES 70S *2 Unit* Intro to Sikhs Online Chann, N.
CRES 100 Comparative Theories of Race and Ethnicity TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Niumeitolu, Fui ER
CRES/EDUC 121 The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies Online Gallagher-Geurtsen, T.
CRES 134 *NEW* The Black "Middle East" TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Azeb, Sophia ER x x
CRES/ARTG 139 Queer and Trans Art and Games MW 02:40PM-04:15PM wright,d. PR-C
CRES 179C *NEW* Artivist Workshop TuTh 01:30PM-03:05PM Casumbal-Salazar, Melisa PR-C
CRES 190Y Solidarity W 01:20PM-04:20PM Casumbal-Salazar, Iokepa ER x x

Black Studies Minor Electives (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times





CRES 134 *NEW* The Black "Middle East" TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Azeb, Sophia ER
EDUC 181 Race, Class, and Culture in Education TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Staff ER
FILM 165B Race on Screen Online Wang,Y.
SOCY 128I/LGST 128I Race and Law TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Fukurai,H. ER
THEA 151A Studies in Performance: African American Theater Arts Troupe

MTuWTh 07:00PM-10:00PM 

F 04:00PM-07:00PM

Williams,D. ER

CRES Major Electives from Other Departments (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements

ANTH 130O Native Feminisms, Gender, and Settler Colonialism TuTh 08:00AM-09:35AM Ramirez,R.K. ER
EDUC 128 Immigrants and Education TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Mosqueda,E. ER
EDUC 141 Bilingualism and Schooling TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Staff
EDUC 181 Race, Class, and Culture in Education TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Staff ER
FILM 165B Race on Screen Online Wang,Y. ER
FMST 20 Feminism and Social Justice TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Ribet,E.R. ER x
HIS 150E History and Memory in the Okinawan Islands Online Staff IM
JRLC 135 Apprenticeship in Community Engaged Research MW 02:40PM-04:15PM Silva,N.L. ER
LALS 100 Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Falcon,S.M. ER x
LALS 128 Latino Media in the U.S TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Lopez,L. IM
LALS 172 Visualizing Human Rights MWF 10:40AM-11:45AM Patel,S. x
LIT 80H The Politics of Fashion MWF 10:40AM-11:45AM Cooppan,V. ER
SOCY 128I/LGST 128I Race and Law TuTh 08:00AM-09:35AM Fukurai,H. ER
SOCY 128M International Law and Global Justice TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Fukurai,H. x
THEA 151A Studies in Performance: African American Theater Arts Troupe

MTuWTh 07:00PM-10:00PM 

F 04:00PM-07:00PM

Williams,D. ER

Spring 2025

CRES Courses (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements


Intro to Black Studies TuTh 01:30PM-03:05PM Livermon, Xavier ER x x


Black Radical University?

MW 05:20PM-06:55PM ife, fahima ER x


Undocu Studies

TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Diaz, Josen x x

CRES 101

Research Methods and Writing in CRES

TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Mogannam, Jennifer DC


Westside Stories: Race, Place and the California Imaginary

TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Shange-Binion,S.T. IM x


 The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies

Online Gallagher-Geurtsen, T.
CRES 124 *NEW* Demilitarizing the University TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Hong, Christine x
FMST/CRES 125 Race, Sex, Technology TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Schaeffer, Felicity
CRES 130/ANTH 130F Blackness In Motion: Anthology of the African Diasporas TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Shange-Binion,S.T. CC x x
CRES 173 *NEW* Palestine: A History from Below TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Mogannam, Jennifer ER x x
CRES/LIT 179E Writing for Transformation TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Casumbal-Salazar, Melisa PR-C x
CRES 190C The Black Transnational W 02:40PM-05:40PM Azeb, Sophia
CRES 190M/FMST 194M Empire and Sexuality W 02:00PM-05:00PM Arondekar,A.R.

Black Studies Minor Electives (back to top)

Course Number Course Title Meeting Times Instructor GE
CRES 68 Approaches to Black Studies TuTh 01:30PM-03:05PM Livermon, Xavier ER
CRES/ANTH 110G Westside Stories: Race, Place and the California Imaginary TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Shange-Binion,S.T. IM
FMST/CRES 125 Race, Sex, and Technology TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Schaeffer, Felicity
CRES 130/ANTH 130F Blackness In Motion: Anthology of the African Diasporas TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Shange-Binion,S.T. CC
CRES 190C The Black Transnational W 02:40PM-05:40PM Azeb, Sophia
EDUC 164 Urban Education Online Lashaw,A.
HIS 121B African American History: 1877 to the Present TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Cobbins-Modica,Q. ER

CRES Major Electives from Other Departments (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements

CMMU 145 Global Capitalism: a History of the Present TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM McCarthy,M. x
CMMU 163 Health Care Inequalities MW 05:20PM-06:55PM Edenhofer,S.M.
EDUC 135 Gender and Education TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Jibrin,R.
EDUC 164 Urban Education Online Lashaw,A.
EDUC 177 Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Mosqueda,E. ER
HIS 121B African American History: 1877 to the Present TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Cobbins-Modica,Q. ER x
HIS 154 Post-Colonial North Africa TuTh 09:50AM-11:25AM Davis,M.H. TA x x
HIS 181B Africa and Britain in an Imperial World TuTh 05:20PM-06:55PM Matera,M.A. ER x
LALS 152 Consumer Cultures Between the Americas TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Rivas,C.M. CC x
LALS 175 Migration, Gender, and Health MW 07:10PM-08:45PM Perez,J. ER x
LGST/POLI 111B Civil Liberties TuTh 01:30PM-03:05PM Beaumont,K.E.
LIT 135G Postcolonial Writing TuTh 11:40AM-01:15PM Sahota,G.S.
SOCY 120 Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Sexuality and Cultural Politics TuTh 08:00AM-09:35AM Bettie,J.
SOCY 127P Sociology of Drugs, Botanicals and Pharmaceuticals MWF 10:40AM-11:45AM Battle,J.
SOCY 139T Community-Engaged Research Practicum TuTh 03:20PM-04:55PM Mc Kay,S.
SOCY 148 Educational Inequality MWF 12:00PM-01:05PM Jones,D.L. ER

Summer 2025

CRES Courses (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements

CRES 10 Critical Race and Ethnic Studies: An Introduction Mitchell, Nick
CRES 70S Introduction to the Sikhs Chann, Naindeep
CRES-EDUC 121 The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies Gallagher-Geurtsen, Trish
CRES 153 A Radical History of the Korean War Hong, Christine
CRES 159 Latinxs and the History of US Policing LeBron, Marisol

Black Studies Minor Electives (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times









CRES Major Electives from Other Departments (back to top)

Course Number

Course Title

Meeting Times




Social Movements